Spade and Spacers are part of a family referred to as Line Blinds. Jointly they perform the same function as a Spectacle Blind as essentially a simplistic valve. The Spade or Spacer is fitted in the line between two flanges and is bolted in place. The Spacer is used when the line is required open and the Paddle Blind or Spade is installed when the line is required blocked or closed.
To change it from open to closed, only half the bolts need to be removed and the Spade or Spacer is swapped over. The removed bolts are then installed and tightened. The handle protrudes from the pipe and provides an indicator of whether a Spade or Spacer is installed.
Spade and Spacer are basically the same as Spectacle Blinds, except that they both are not attached to each other. Spades and Spacers be used in systems where the maintenance is not often necessary, or it is also used in applications with large pipe sizes. Depending on the flange sizes and the Pressure Classes, Spades can weigh hundreds of pounds.
More in Spades & Spacer in Sidi ban-al-'Abbas, Algeria
Size Range : 15mm- 1500mm (1/2”- 60”)
Ratings : 150lb-2500lb to suit ASME B16.5
Sealing Type : flat face, raised face, ring joint
Sealing Finish : Spiral Finish 3.2-6.3µm for facings
Forms : Line Blinds, Spacers and Blanks, Paddle Blinds, Spade Blinds
Materials : Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Titanium, Cupro Nickel, Nickel Alloy etc.